Xbox Scarlett Will Be One Console Only

Flash back to E3 2018 and Phil Spencer takes to the stage to talk about the future of Xbox. Phil confirms that the same team that brought us the Xbox One X was hard at work developing the next Xbox “consoles”.

Of course, this put the rumour mill into overdrive, why would Phil say “consoles”, as in plural. Were Microsoft going to release two next gen machines or was it a mere slip of the tongue.

Well, Phil did mean consoles but not in the way you think. Today in an interview with Phil confirmed that Project Scarlett will only consist of one console. The other device in the “consoles” claim refers to the recently launched Xbox One S All Digital Edition.

Phil had the following to say in that interview.

“Last year we said consoles, and we’ve shipped a console and we’ve now detailed another console. I think that’s plural,”

So there you have it, after a year of been lead to believe we’d be getting two Sku’s for next gen, Anaconda and Lockhart, we are only going to be getting one, the supposedly all powerful Anaconda model.

What do you think people, we’re you counting on getting the lower price, less powerful Lockhart model or were you always going to purchase Anaconda regardless. Please feel free to leave any thoughts you have in the comments below.

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