The Xbox Series X Logo Revealed

The Xbox Series X logo may have just being revealed online thanks to a recent trademark listing. The listing was spotted by sharp eyed Reddit users and is now doing the rounds in articles all over the Internet.


Microsoft filed the trademark on the 16th of April and as you can see from the picture above, it’s very different from anything that has gone before it. The logo appears to comes in both black and white, and in my opinion anyway, it looks sleek and it certainly catches the eye. I prefer the black version myself, I just think it stands out a bit more.

Along with the actual logo, the listing contains a host of goods and services which Microsoft may intend on branding. These range from bags, keychains and clothing to other stranger items such as lighting fixtures and kites. You can check out the official listing here, to see the many ways Microsoft may intend to use this logo in the future.

The most surprising thing about the new logo is that there is no mention of “Xbox” anywhere on it. This might suggest that we are indeed getting more than one next gen machine from Microsoft.


Series S

Rumours have being circling for ages now about Lockhart – a cheaper, less powerful, maybe digital only console being released along side the Xbox Series X later this year. The speculation is that Lockhart will eventually be called The Series S when it is finally revealed to the world. We’ll have to wait and see if this turns out to be true.

Of course, this isn’t the first console logo that was revealed this year. Back in January Sony gave us a look at the PS5 logo. To the surprise of absolutely no-one, it was identical to the PS4 logo, just with a five instead of a four. In fairness to Sony they took a, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it approach.

Well that’s about it folks, it’s just a logo after all but what do you make of it? Do you like the new Xbox Series X logo? Or do you think Microsoft, like Sony, should of kept it similar to what has gone before it. Please feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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