The Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remaster Looks To Be Genuine

Definitely Maybe

After months if not years of rumours and leaks it finally looks like its happening. The Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remaster might actually be on its way. The latest update for Modern Warfare went live on PC last night and data miners have found a few things that fans of the 2009 classic might be delighted about.

As reported by Charlieintel, data miners have found some basic artwork for Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remaster. Evidence of a new Ghost Pack: Oil Rig Bundle was also discovered hidden within the files of Modern Warfare 2019. The full description reads as follows.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered: Purchase Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered and receive the Underwater Demo Team Classic Ghost Bundle OR Purchase the Ghost Pack: Oil Rig Bundle to receive Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered


The way all this reads suggests that the Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remaster will be DLC for Modern Warfare 2019. In fact if you read the Charlieintel report. It states that the Ghost Pack: Oil Rig Bundle costs 10,000 CoD Points. Although they do believe this to be only a placeholder.

So why only remaster the campaign I hear you ask. Why not the entire game with all the multiplayer maps. The answer is pretty simple. Activision does not want to split their online community. But there is some good news in this too. We have already seen Rust and Shipment remastered and added to Modern Warfare 2019. I believe that more of MW2’s multiplayer maps will be given an overhaul and added to MW 2019 over time.

Nothing Official Yet

Now I understand that a lot of COD fans will be taking this news with large doses of salt. This is not the first time that rumours of a Modern Warfare 2 remaster have surfaced. In fact two years ago I wrote a article regarding another leak suggesting that Modern Warfare 2’s campaign was been remastered. You can check that article out here if you like. That leak turned out to be false. But this new rumour has details such as artwork, new bundles and even pricing information all included. I think this might be completely genuine.

Of course we still have no official word from Activision on this. But we had nothing official regarding Warzone either until it was ready to go. Personally, i’d love to see Modern Warfare 2 get a remaster. I think it is one of the best campaigns in any Call of Duty game and might be well worth picking up if the price is right.

But what do you think COD fans, would you like to see Modern Warfare 2 get a complete remaster. Or are you happy with this coming as DLC for MW 2019. Please feel free to leave any COD related thoughts you have in the comments below.
