Trackmania Turbo – Launch Trailer

Trackmania Turbo has just being released in the States and it set to hit the shelves in Europe on the 25th of March.  This game has being developed by French company Nadeo, also famous for the QuestMania and ShootMania Storm series, and is set to be published by Ubisoft.  This game will be coming out on Xbox One, PS4 and on PC.  I believe its released on the 24th of March on PC.

So what's it all about then?  Well its a racing game at its core but its also a lot more than that.  The player in the game uses Matchbox type cars and the racing takes place on massive, crazy, twisting, fantasy style tracks which contain all kinds of loops and vertical climbs to tax the player to the max.  The real beauty of the gameplay in Trackmania though is to absolutely nail that perfect lap, constantly repeating tracks to shave fractions of seconds of your time.  It can be very addictive.

There are around 200 tracks in the game and these are spread over 4 separate environments, Rollercoaster Lagoon, International Stadium, Canyon Grand Drift and Valley Down & Dirty. Each of the environments has its own unique style and challenges to push the player to their limits.  Also included in the game is a Trackbuilder Tool which allows you to build an infinite number of tracks to test your skills against when you've conquered all the game has to offer.

For me, well I think ill be picking this up pretty much straight away.  It kinda reminds me of the Trials games, not for looks or even game mechanics but for its pure and simple addictive gameplay, I love Trials, I go back to it time and time again to try beat my previous best times and it just never stops being fun.  I think Trackmania Turbo has those same addictive qualities too, and most importantly it looks like a bloody fun game.  Roll on March 25th, I can't wait.

Video By Ubisoft