Rumour – COD MW2 Remastered Will Not Have Multiplayer

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 was released for the Xbox 360 and PS3 back in November 2009. Back then, Infinity Wards' sequel was regarded by many as one of the greatest shooters ever made, selling nearly five million copies in the US and UK alone.

The rumour mill went into overdrive recently when a listing for COD MW2 Remastered appeared on Amazon in Italy. The game was priced at $25 and had a release date for April 30th.

This rumour was later confirmed by CharlieIntel but that is not where this story ends. The source at CharlieIntel also suggested that, although a remaster is in the works, COD MW2 Remastered will not contain any multiplayer maps and therefore contain no bloody multiplayer component. Which is just fucking stupid if it turns out to be true.

Now, strangely enough, the source at CharlieIntel happens to be an employee of Raven Software. Raven worked on last years Modern Warfare remaster, but they are not involved in the Modern Warfare 2 remaster, a company called Beenox are apparently taking the lead role there. Interestingly enough though, Beenox worked with Raven on last years Modern Warfare remaster, but only on the single player side of the game.

Look I'll be honest here, I have very little time for Activision. For me, they are a company that cares nothing for their fanbase. Their games are riddled with match unbalancing micro transactions in multiplayer and it seems the only innovation in Call Of Duty games these days is how Activision can come up with new and interesting ways to gouge more money from their fans.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if this rumour turns out to be true and Modern Warfare 2 Remastered launches without a multiplayer component. For a start, why is the game only $25 when COD: Modern Warfare Remastered last year cost $40 when it went on sale as a standalone game. It came with multiplayer I suppose though, is the lack of multiplayer the reason why Modern Warfare 2 Remastered is $15 cheaper.

Of course, Activision might have their reasons for releasing Modern Warfare 2 Remastered as a single player only game. For example, they might not want to split their fanbase, COD WW2 is doing very well for itself at the moment and Activision might want to keep those servers as engaged as possible with more DLC on the way. Maybe they simply don't have enough time to get it finished before COD Black Ops 4 lands later this year. Or maybe, just maybe they are going to sell the entire multiplayer component as paid for DLC soon after launch for $15. Call me a sceptic, but my money is on the latter.

What do you think COD fans, would you buy Modern Warfare 2 Remastered for $25 as a single player title or do you think that without the multiplayer added it's a pointless waste of time. Please feel free to leave COD related thoughts you have in the comments below.

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