Elite Dangerous: Horizons

Great news for all Elite players on the Xbox One, Frontier Developments, the team behind the game, have just announced on Friday and reported by Polygon that they will be bringing their latest expansion called Horizon, to the Xbox One by the end of June.

Horizons will include both the 2.0 Planetary Landings and the 2.1 Engineers expansions.  The Planetary Landings are pretty much as you'd expect.  You will now be able to seamlessly go from orbit to the surface of both planets and moons.  When you land on the surface you'll then be put inside a buggy like vehicle to go explore the 1:1 scale surface to your hearts content.  Once you've finished exploring you simply drive back to your ship and blast back into orbit. The Engineers expansion allows players to craft and customise their ships in the game to give them a unique look.  Frontier has also promised more expansions will follow and that both Xbox One and PC players will receive them at the same time.

Both Elite Dangerous and Horizons are fully integrated with each other, both games exist in the same universe.  Player that upgrade from the original will keep their saved game files and will be able to continue their space faring adventures uninterrupted but with the added abilities of ship customisation and planet landings.  For anyone who has not yet picked up Elite Dangerous, I'd wait till Horizons to land before doing so, no point in buying it twice and I'm not sure of discounts if you already own a copy of Elite Dangerous. 

I love Elite, the scale of it will blow your mind, the combat and exploration works brilliantly and even without planetary landings there is so much to do and see.  This is a game that you'd bring to that desert island with you, a game that you will never be able to see all off, no matter how much time you have on your hands.  In my opinion, Its a masterpiece already, Horizons is just the cherry on top of the icing on the cake.

Video By – Elite Dangerous