Could A Perfect Dark Reboot Be In The Works

Could a Perfect Dark reboot be on the way? Of course, it’s only pure speculation at this stage but as the weeks go by, more and more hints and rumours keep surfacing that it might just be in development at The Initiative.


Yesterday, known and trusted Insider Klobrille, put out a Tweet regarding an unannounced game being worked on by The Initiative. The Tweet, which you can check out for yourself below, goes on to say that this unannounced title is running on Unreal Engine 4 and features various weapons, gadgets and a camera surveillance system.

The Tweet then lists Christopher NG LinkedIn profile, NG worked for The Initiative for eight months and was responsible for implementing said weapons, gadgets and camera surveillance system into this unannounced game.

Now I don’t know about you but when I read “various weapons, gadgets and a camera surveillance system” I immediately think of Perfect Dark. But this Tweet isn’t the only rumour to pop up in recent weeks.

Third Person Reboot

Back on the 11th of April, Colteastwood put out a video on his YouTube channel speculating on what games we can expect to see announced for the Xbox Series X over the coming months. In the video Colt talks about a Perfect Dark reboot being in development at The Initiative, but he goes further than that. He also states that it wouldn’t just be a simple reboot of Rare’s classic first person shooter but a third person action adventure stealth game.

I for one, would love this to be true. Ditching the old FPS gameplay and rebooting the franchise as a third person adventure game would be a masterstroke in my opinion. The PS4 has a plethora of them, such as The Last of Us, God of War and Days Gone. I think Xbox could certainly do with a few of their own going forward.

I’ve posted Colt’s video below, if you skip ahead to around the five minute mark you can hear what he had to say himself. But if you’re interested in what might be around the corner for Xbox, i’d watch the entire video. It’s an excellent piece.

As I said at the start, this is all speculation and rumour until we have something official. But nevertheless, in my opinion anyway, a Perfect Dark reboot would be a sweet addition to the Xbox catalog. A third person reboot would be all the sweeter.

But what do you think, would you like to see a Perfect Dark reboot? Or would you rather The Initiative were working on a brand new IP entirely? Please feel free to let me know what you think in the comments below.

Video Colteastwood
